CMA – Inter Group 2 (Company Account) | Validity: 12 months & 2 views


  • Views: 2 Times of actual hours (2 Hrs. Video = 4 Hrs.)
  • Duration: Total 100 hours
  • Delivery Method: Videos in Google Drive and Books in hard copy.
  • Validity: 12 months & 2 views

CMA – Inter Group 1 (Financial Account) | Validity: 12 months & 2 views


  • Views: 2 Times of actual hours (2 Hrs. Video = 4 Hrs.)
  • Duration: Total 200 hours
  • Delivery Method: Videos in Google Drive and Books in hard copy.
  • Validity: 12 months & 2 views

Combo – CMA Inter Group 1&2 (Financial Account + Company Account) | Validity: 12 months & 2 views


  • Views: 2 Times of actual hours (2 Hrs. Video = 4 Hrs.)
  • Duration: Total 300 (100+200) hours
  • Delivery Method: Videos in Google Drive and Books in hard copy.
  • Validity: 12 months & 2 views